Friday, June 2, 2017

Nephi's Courage

I've been trying to figure out how to teach this great song. My SR knows it well so I will just be reviewing it but most of my JR don't know it at all.
There are sooooo many cute ideas out there for teaching this song. I don't like to 're-invent the wheel' but I do like to put my own spin on it. Here are a few I have added to:

The OCD Primary Chorister made a cute flip chart with pictures that she drew. You can link to it HERE.  I decided to use this with my SR to review but I re-did it and just put one 'key word' with each picture.
There are NO pictures for the chorus.
Click HERE to download a copy.

Camille over on her blog had a darling idea of teaching the first two verses of the song with puppets.
You can check out her post HERE

There weren't puppets for the chorus and Camille does the 3rd verse a different way so I made some puppets for them.
Susan Fitch has some really cute puppets on her Etsy Shop. You can check them out HERE.
I used her puppets but on the church's website there are some there too.
Here's how mine turn out.
When the kids know the verse pretty well I'm going to pull out the 'STAGE'. 

I use a shower or curtain rod with a long curtain attached. I have 2 teachers hold the rod. The kids stand behind the curtain and hold the puppets up over the rod as we sing.
Click HERE to download the puppets I added. 

Happy Singing!


  1. I'm not sure if its just me, but i've tried a bunch of different ways to print your puppets and they won't fit to the page no matter what settings I use. The print preview doesn't reflect how they print. I've tried to change every setting imagineable and they just will not fit on the page. The edges are always cut off :(

    1. So sorry to hear you're having trouble. I just tried it and didn't have a problem. Maybe you could email me and I could send you the file.

  2. Thank you for sharing! I was thinking of making puppets for the 3rd verse. The ones you created are perfect!

  3. Thank you SO much for sharing!!! I love it!!! I'm sure the kids will love the puppet show!!!
