Saturday, November 14, 2015


"Nursery-age Children are ready and eager to learn about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, and music can help them learn."
From the Nursery Manuel BEHOLD YOUR LITTLE ONES

Nursery is near and dear to my heart! I love doing music with them.
Here's how I put my Nursery music time together:

1. I chose 36 songs from the Children's Songbook that I thought the children needed to know and could handle at their age. I made a song card for each. 
Each Sunday I choose 8-10 songs. I try to have at least one for each child in Nursery so everyone gets a turn picking a song.

2. Whenever I sing with the Nursery kids, I like them to either be holding something (a prop) or doing an action to keep them engaged. 
I collected the props and placed them in various sized baggies with labels to identify them. I also printed the words to the songs so I had a little reminder if I needed it.
3. I place them in a large container that would fit in the Nursery closet. If you don't have a closet you can just keep it at home and place what you'll need in a bag each Sunday.
4. When it's time to sing, I place the song cards I've chosen on the board. Then the kids take turns picking a song. I hand out the props or show them the actions and we sing the song several times. Then we continue until everyone has had a turn picking a song. It's a great way to teach 'taking turns'.

5. When I introduce a new song, I sing it first and then have them sing with me. Most of the kids will give it a try but sometimes it takes a few weeks for them to start singing with me. Just keep singing even if you're singing a solo. Believe me they are getting it and will soon be singing with you.

If you would like a copy of my song cards and all I've talked about in this post, click HERE.
I have other posts on this blog for Nursery. Just check out LABELS on the sidebar under Nursery for them.

Happy Singing!!!

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